Imagine you are designing a registeration page and there are numerous input fields, buttons and so on. Would you keep on defining reference for each and every field to access the data, no right? Theres a necessity for a shortcut or a command which will make our work easier, here's where Form Data comes into picture.

FormData provides a interface to define and access these fields disguised as set of key/value pair.The FormData() function (constructor) lets you create a object of FormData.

var formData=new FormData(form)   // here form in brackets is the name or the class/id name of the form

Methods of FormData()

Methods are actions that can be performed on objects.Here are the methods of FormData() :

  • append()

    As the name suggest append() adds new value to the existing value of a key or creates a new key and adds the value.

    formData.append( 'username' , 'John' );   // here 'username' is the key name and 'John' is the value which youll be appending

  • delete()

    Using this youll be able to delete a key and its corresponding value of a object.

    formData.delete(name);   // here 'name' is the key name

  • entries()

    This method will return you a array or key-value pair


    // Eg We have a form with id name form and input fields as follows
    <input="text" name="key1" value="value1">
    <input="text" name="key2" value="value2">

    //Then using formData.entries will give us array [ key1,value1 ] and [key2,value2]

  • get() and getAll()

    get() returns the value of the first key(name) while getAll() returns a array of values which the same key(name)

    formData.get(name);   // here name is the key name

    formData.getAll(name);   // here name is the key name, and returns a array for values with name key.

  • has()

    This return a boolean value i.e true/false in response to the present of value.

    formData.has(name);   // So if the key 'name' is has its corresponding value it returns true else returns false

  • keys()

    Returns an array of keys (names) under the object.

    formData.has(name);   // So if the key 'name' is has its corresponding value it returns true else returns false

  • values()

    Returns of array of all values under the object

    formData.values();   // Returns array of values.